Monday, September 28, 2009

Introducing Jake Sherman

I would like to introduce you all to Jake Sherman!

Jake has been teaching 7 years, although one of these he was deployed in the Middle East with the National Guard. He teaches Technology Education classes at the middle school level, where they work with woods, metals, electricity, structures, and problem solving. He has started integrating some online tools, including Moodle, into his course. Although he hasn't taught online courses yet, he would like to. He is working on earning the online teaching certificate through UW-Stout.

Jake is now in his 8th and final year with the National Guard. He enlisted after September 11, 2001. Now that he has a family, he has chosen spending his time with his family over the guard.

Jake lives in Hartford, WI, which is a town of about 13,000 people. This town started as a farming community, and although it has grown quickly, resists the change from its farming community roots.

Jake has been married for almost 5 years. He has a "spitfire of a 2 year old daughter." He also has a 4 year old German Shorthaired Pointer.

If a 2 year old doesn't keep Jake active enough, he also enjoys all kinds of outdoor activities (including hunting, fishing, hiking, biking, running, camping, 4-wheeling, snowmobiling, etc). He also plays softball in the summer and fall, basketball in the winter, and kickball in the spring.

Module 2 -1 Creating a Blog

Hello Everyone